
Use javascript(nodejs) aka johnny-five to control hardware(Arduino mostly, maybe Raspberry Pi).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

[DEPRESSED, I went back to C++ for controlling the Arduino and Raspberry, maybe revisit latter (and maybe not). 2017/11/17]

All things start

Recently I'm messing around with johnny-five lib, which is a wonderful javascript lib to control many types of boards, i.e. Arduino Uno/Leonardo/Mega, BotBoarduino, Intel Edison Mini, Raspberry Pi 3/2/1 to name a few. In fact, it deal with Arduino on the fly, other boards are not fully supported(for example, stepper control on many other boards). But back to my situation, I need to use arduino mega2560 to control camera movement via there stepper(6-dof describes camera movement better you may wonder, but I will go step by step). So at least it fits, and after almost one week's digging around, I find write hardware controlling system with a much more high level language than C or C++ make me wonder the possibility of everyone being a hardware hacker: all they need is a board, some sensors maybe some motors and/or steppers to form a homemade robot and write some unreasonably easy javascript scripts and boom. You can find many awesome demos on the official site of johnny-five.

There are there sub-projects in this repo(by far!), I will give a brief description to them, look in the specific dictionary for more info.



Promisify johnny-five lib and use async and await to avoid callbacks and make code more readable.

Reading value of one or more than one at the same time is used to demonstrate.


[Need examples]

I still remember last year almost the same time, I was also assigned to make the 6-dof camera platform better(funny enough, the better can always be true, better than last better). Anyway at that time when play with Raspberry Pi, I found a splendid lib to show the states of GPIO pins of Pi -- WebIOPi, and I failed to find a corresponding lib or script for Arduino(Mega2560)(Chances are that I missed when searching github). So how do you think of this one:


Personally, I pretty enjoy the UI.(Thanks give to [echarts]http://echarts.baidu.com/).



At the time of writing, stepper 2.x have not been implemented on the firmware...