
Viewer for the OpenHand Database of Grasps

Primary LanguagePython


This project contains a Database of Grasps Evaluated using different Quality Metrics.
This database was generated by Carlos Rubert (cescuder@uji.es) at the Robotic Intelligence laboratory from Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (Spain)
Copyright: Carlos Rubert 
License LGPLv3



This Database has been tested in Ubuntu 12.04/14.04

For viewing the database is necessary having an installed version of OpenRave with the ODE collission checker
Instruccions for downloading and installing OpenRave and ODE can be found at: 

Also, updated instruction for installen OpenRAVE in ubuntu 14.04 can be found in:


It's also necessary having installed the library H5PY (Python HDF5). Instructions:

	$sudo apt-get install python-poppler-qt4
	$sudo pip install cython
	$sudo pip install h5py

Finally, Python-qt4 is needed:

	$sudo apt-get install python-poppler-qt4

This package should be compatible with Ros Indigo, but it's not mandatory use ROS



Git clone the repo, execute the scripts located in the root folder:

	$(sudo) python setup.py install


Git clone the repo on your catkin_ws/srcm then on your catkin_ws do:




You can run directly the openhand.py file in src/oh_viewer:

	$python src/oh_viewer/openhand.py

Or using ros (after catkin_make):

	$rosrun openhand viewer.py
