
RRT based dynamic path planning package robots having 2D lidar system. The planner is currently tested on Turtlebot3 and used its odometry package for localization.


Running the C++ implementation:

Only the obstacle detection and path planning has been implemented in C++. The controller has to be used as it is from the scripts folder. This part is yet to be integrated with the Global planner.

Pull the repo. Run the following commands to compile and run Compile:

cd <catkin_ws>
source devel/setup.bash

Run: Terminal 1:

roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_empty_world.launch

Add few obstacles in the environment.

Terminal 2:

rosrun <name of package> planner

Give the start as the current position of the bot and goal anypoint between x:[-1, 6], y:[-4, 4]

Terminal 3:

cd <path to package>
rviz -d rviz/planner.rviz

Add path msg into rviz from the add button on bottom left

Terminal 4:

cd <path to package>/scripts
