Bayesian Statistics MOOC by Coursera - Solutions in Python
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- aclarkseColumbia University
- adamoppenheimerUniversity of Minnesota
- alan-fengSun Yat-sen University
- chuksooNextdoor Inc
- davibicudo@SchweizerischeBundesbahnen
- Decko048PT. Supernova F.P
- Desperado991128Leiden, the Netherlands
- ELCGermany
- f-izzat
- gsg213Grenoble, France
- jhung12
- jzieve
- loganbrunner
- Lwy122
- martineskSeattle
- mesut-unal
- miaoyu222
- nazerpanahiIran
- nez0bNation Taiwan University
- nninghk
- NobyrulzItay
- nw7g14
- Perceptron42Austin, Texas
- SonNote
- surtich
- tadas-subonis
- techperfect
- yannansoda
- YunmeiHuanghiUS