
This is repo contains Apollo python proto files

Primary LanguagePython

Apollo Python Protobuf

This project provides Python bindings for the Apollo modules' protobufs, enabling seamless integration and usage of Apollo’s protobuf definitions in Python.


Option 1: Install via pip

pip install apollo_modules==[version]  # Supported versions: see release https://pypi.org/project/apollo-modules/

From apollo 8.0, the structure has been changed!

Option 2: Build from Source

git clone -b [version] https://github.com/MingfeiCheng/ApolloPyProto.git
cd ApolloPyProto
pip install -e .


1. Verify Installation

To verify the installation, open a Python shell and run the following:

>>> import apollo_modules
>>> from apollo_modules.modules.common_msgs.planning_msgs.planning_pb2 import ADCTrajectory

If there are no errors, the installation was successful, and the package is ready to use.

2. Example Usage

Here’s an example of importing the planning_pb2 protobuf used in Apollo’s planning module:

from apollo_modules.modules.common_msgs.planning_msgs.planning_pb2 import ADCTrajectory

(Optional) Generate Python Protobuf Files from the Apollo Project

We provide a shell script to automatically generate the Python versions of the protobufs from Apollo’s modules. Use the following command:

bash proto_generate.sh /path/to/apollo_root /path/to/output