This project is a fork of 2022-ICSE-Efficient Online Testing for DNN-Enabled Systems using Surrogate-Assisted and Many-Objective Optimization (SAMOTA).
Original Project Link:
I test this project on Ubuntu 20.04 running on Intel i5-11600K CPU with RTX 3060 Ti (8 GB) and 32 GB Memory.
I use Pylot docker image with the latest version (Tensorflow 2.5.1) rather than v0.3.2 (Tensorflow 1.5.x) provided in the paper.
docker pull erdosproject/pylot
nvidia-docker run -itd --name pylot -p 20022:22 erdosproject/pylot /bin/bash
Update Pytorch to 1.10 in the docker container.
nvidia-docker exec -i -t pylot /bin/bash
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
Note: I update the Pytorch (0.4.x in the Pylot docker image) to 1.10 with cuda 11.x, because 0.4.x has a compatible problem with RTX 30 series GPU. This issue also exits in Tensorflow 1.5.x, so I use Pylot with the latest version. I do not make sure other series GPUs, such as RTX 20 or GTX 10, have the same issue.
nvidia-docker cp ~/.ssh/ pylot:/home/erdos/.ssh/authorized_keys
nvidia-docker exec -i -t pylot sudo chown erdos /home/erdos/.ssh/authorized_keys
nvidia-docker exec -i -t pylot sudo service ssh start
Terminal 1:
nvidia-docker exec -i -t pylot /home/erdos/workspace/pylot/scripts/
Terminal 2:
nvidia-docker exec -i -t pylot /bin/bash
cd ~/workspace/pylot/
python3 --flagfile=configs/detection.conf
conda create -n samota python=3.7
conda activate samota
pip install -r requirements.txt
download the simulators from the following links and extract them to a folder name Carla_Versions
(due to the figshare upload limit, the compressed file is divided into three)
docker cp Carla_Versions pylot:/home/erdos/workspace/
ssh -p 20022 -X erdos@localhost
cd /home/erdos/workspace
mkdir results
docker cp pylot pylot:/home/erdos/workspace/pylot/
docker cp scripts pylot:/home/erdos/workspace/pylot/
ssh -p 20022 -X erdos@localhost
cd /home/erdos/workspace/pylot/scripts
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
cd runner