Reproducibility of scientific contributions is an important aspect of scholarship that has received way to little attention! This repository aims to collect information on peer-reviewed NILM (alias energy disaggregation) papers that have been published with source code or extensive supplemental material. We group NILM papers based on a number of categories: algorithms, toolkits, datasets, and misc. Feel free to contribute to this repository! Please consider our "style guide":
- This is a title. (year). [pdf] [code]
- Main Author et al. Optional: Acronym of conference or journal i.e. Where was it published?
- Exploiting HMM Sparsity to Perform Online Real-Time Nonintrusive Load Monitoring (NILM). (2015). [pdf] [code]
- S. Makonin et al. IEEE TSG.
Transfer Learning for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. (2019). [pdf] [code]
- D. Michele et al. IEEE TSG.
Neural NILM: Deep neural networks applied to energy disaggregation (2015) [pdf] [code]
- J. Kelly et al. BuildSys'15
Sliding Window Approach for Online Energy Disaggregation Using Artificial Neural Networks. (2018). [pdf] [code]
- O. Krystalakos et al. Venue.
Sequence-to-point learning with neural networks for non-intrusive load monitoring (2018) [pdf] [code]
- C. Zhang et al. AAAI'18
WaveNILM: A causal neural network for power disaggregation from the complex power signal (2019) [pdf] [code]
- Alon Harell et al. ICASSP'19
Towards reproducible state-of-the-art energy disaggregation. (2019) [pdf] [code]
- N. Batra et al. BuildSys'19.
Nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM) performance evaluation. (2015). [pdf] [code]
- S. Makonin et al. Springer Energy Efficiency.
Towards Comparability in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring: On Data and Performance Evaluation [pdf] [code]
- C. Klemenjak et al. 2020 IEEE ISGT.
Machine learning approaches for non-intrusive load monitoring: from qualitative to quantitative comparation, Artificial Intelligence Review (2018). [pdf] [code]
- C. Nalmpantis et al. Artificial Intelligence Review.
Metadata for Energy Disaggregation. (2014) [pdf] [code]
- J. Kelly et al. CDS'14.
SmartSim: A Device-Accurate Smart Home Simulator for Energy Analytics. (2016). [pdf] [code]
- D. Chen et al. SmartGridComm'16.
SynD: [link]
- REDD [link]
- UK-DALE [link]
- BLUED [link]
- GREEND [link]
- AMPds [link]
- ECO [link]
- HES [link]
- Tracebase [link]
- PLAID [link]
- ENERTALK [link]
To the extent possible under law, Christoph Klemenjak has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work.