
Processing of proteomic files for prolamin peptides analysis and CD epitopes search for each protein fraction.

Primary LanguagePython


Processing of proteomic files for prolamin peptides analysis and celiac disease (CD) epitopes search for each protein fraction.


  • python version 3.6 or higher
    • Library: biopython
      pip install biopython


  • Proteomic files with information of protein identification and characterization by qTOF mass spectrometry in xlsx format.
  • Database with peptide sequence of: CD epitopes, innate immune response related p31-41 peptide, monoclonal antibody (moAb) recognition sites and immunoglobulin E (IgE) recognition sites. The sequence of deaminated CD epitopes can be included. The database must be in fasta format. An example is in epitopes_example.fasta. In addition, in the epitope name has to be included the category of the epitope separated by ";": e.g. g12_1;moAb. Categories: original (adaptive and innate immuno response in CD), moAb, IgE, deaminated1, deaminated2 (second deaminated variant of the original epitope sequence).

The protein fractions considered in the analysis are: alpha, omega and gamma-gliadins, High Molecular Weight (HMW) and Low Molecular Weight (LMW) glutenins, and Non Gluten Proteins (NGPs).

Option 1:

Count the number of unique peptides annotated in each protein fraction per sample.

python unique_peptides_v2.py -p </path/to/ proteomic files directory> -o </path/to/ output directory>


  • Table in tsv format.

Option 2:

Count the number of epitopes, moAb recognition sites, ..., in unique peptides for each protein fraction in each sample. The output can be by epitope/moAb name or by epitope/moAb type: e.g. g12_1 moAb has g12_1 as name and g12 as type.

python epitopeFinder.py -p </path/to/ proteomic files directory> -o </path/to/ output directory> -e </path/to/epitope fasta file> -m <method: original | moAb | ...> -d <remove epitope duplications: yes | no> -mm <number of allowed mismatches to find epitopes: 0 | 1 | ...> -t <type of table with counts: name | type>


  • Table in tsv format.