
Sample based planner for a footstep sequence for a humanoid robot

Primary LanguageC++

Footstep planner

This project is about:

  • finding planes in the point cloud (with constraints on normals etc.)
  • put footprints on proper planes to make a footstep plan for robot locomotion

Compile as a standard catkin_make project in your catkin workspace.

Startup of required software


Either specify a point cloud scene:

roslaunch footstep_planner fake_primesense.launch filename:=YOURTESTSCENE.pcd

or just load the default one:

roslaunch footstep_planner fake_primesense.launch

Start a static tf publisher in order to put a world frame into the point cloud (values should be changed accordingly to the loaded scene.pcd)

roslaunch footstep_planner static.launch

Finally start the footstep planner:

roslaunch footstep_planner footstep_planner.launch

In order to send commands, just do a

rostopic pub footstep_planner/command_i std_msgs/String TAB

And fill the automatic empty message that ros will put in the shell with any command below.

List of available commands

  1. (cap_plan)

Reads a point cloud from a topic, recognizes planes, plans one step

  1. (cap_save)

Reads a point cloud from a topic, recognizes planes, saves planes into a file

  1. (load_plan)

Reads set of planes from a file, plans one step

  1. (plan_all)

Plans as much step as possible until no steps are found

  1. (draw_path)

Draws the planned sequence of steps up to now

  1. TODO (direction x y z)

Sets the preferred walking direction (world frame?)

  1. (exit)

Exit the footstep planner in a CLEAN way

Parameters of the point cloud vision algorithm:

  • the grid size in meters for downsampling
  • the search radius in meters for the normal estimation
  • the curvature threshold for extract the planar areas in the downsampled cloud
  • the minimum cluster size for euclidean clustering
  • the cluster tolerance to accept points within a cluster in euclidean measure