
Software related to the KUKA LWR 4+: for real and for simulation.

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense


Build Status (<- waiting for Ubuntu 14.04 support)

ROS indigo metapackage that contains packages to work with the KUKA LWR 4+.


The main packages are:

  • lwr_description: a package that defines the model of the robot (ToDo: name it lwr_model)
  • lwr_hw: a package that allows communication with an LWR 4+ through FRI or through a gazebo simulation. If you are using the joint impedance control strategy, it adds the gravity term computed from the URDF model.
  • lwr_controllers: a package that implement a set of useful controllers (ToDo: perhaps moving this to a forked version of ros_controllers would be ok, but some controllers are specific for the a 7-dof arm).
  • single_lwr_example: a cofiguration-based meta-package that shows how to use the kuka_lwr packages.
    • single_lwr_robot: the package where you define your robot using the LWR 4+ arm.
    • single_lwr_moveit: the moveit configuration for your single_lwr_robot description.
    • single_lwr_launch: a launch interface to load different components and configuration of your setup be it real, simulation, moveit, visualization, etc.

For an example using two LWR 4+ arms and two Pisa/IIT SoftHands, see the Vito robot.


ToDo: one should check the commands in the .travis.yaml file when that is working in Ubuntu 14.04.

The most critical that are not straight forward if you want to use the simulation environment are:

  • Gazebo4 or higher
  • Slightly modified transmission_interface package that allows robot composability in gazebo @ (forked) ros_control