
Tesla Smart Summon.... but for Rovers! And a bunch of other stuff on iOS.

Primary LanguageSwift


This repo contains the iOS Source Code for RoveSoRemote, aka RoveSoApple, for the current iteration of the MRDT Rover designed to compete at the University Rover Challenge. The app is developed to run on iPhones running iOS 15.4 or newer.

Getting Setup

There are a few steps to get started editing, RoveSoApple

  1. Clone the repo in an appropriate place, ideally on a Mac. git clone <url>
  2. Install CocoaPods sudo gem install cocoapods
  3. Install required packages in the RoveSoApple directory pod install
  4. Open the xcworkspace file RoveSoApple/RoveSoApple.xcworkspace

Recommended Tools
