This is my personal config (dotfiles) github repo

NEW: Polybar on WINDOWS


If you want my configuration, you need to copy over the Skins folder to C:/Users/USER/Documents/Rainmeter/. Otherwise, install the .rmskin provided in the Releases page of Khanhas' GitHub repo.


Go over here: and download DesktopCoral. Run the setup.

Then, open up DesktopCoral, drag it to the top of the screen. You should see a white spot. Right click on it > Options, and set the height to the height of your Polybar module.

To make it run on startup, go to options, and there should be a checkbox "Start with Windows". Check it, click apply, and close.

Use i3 with KDE, a match made in HEAVEN

Thanks to, I am able to do this. You just need to do this to create a plasma + i3 session. Obviously you need i3-gaps and plasma.

Simply write the following to /usr/share/xsessions/plasma-i3.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env KDEWM=/usr/bin/i3 /usr/bin/startplasma-x11
Name=Plasma with i3
Comment=Plasma with i3

The rest is already covered in the i3 config, so no need to worry about that :).


nvim = ~/.config/

vscode = ~/.config/Code/User/

polybar = /etc/polybar/ or ~/.config/polybar/. Put the scripts folder under /etc/polybar.

source for kde-virtual-desktops-polybar:

i3 (optimized when mixing i3 + KDE) = ~/.config/i3/ or /etc/i3/config for autoload

i3-master-layout = /etc/i3/

put-in-.config = ~/.config = /usr/bin

based-wallpapers = ~/Pictures/ or /usr/share/wallpapers

everything in folder home: ~/ .xprofile = put in ~, this is to integrate KDE themes + settings with i3-wm

colorkde = put file(s) in ~/.kde4/share/apps/color-schemes/

kvantum = put folder in ~/.config/kvantum/

picom = put picom.conf into ~/.config/picom/ (user) or /etc/xdg/ (system)


One liner to install all dependencies with yay (Arch based distros)):

yay -S --needed polybar feh j4-dmenu-desktop dolphin picom redshift konsole pip i3-gaps plasma; pip3 install ipc

For i3 config itself: polybar, feh, j4-dmenu-desktop, dolphin, picom, redshift, konsole (or alacritty), wmctrl

You also need this for i3 master stack layout:

pip install ipc

For i3 + plasma: i3-gaps, plasma

For .zshrc:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

For .p10k.zsh: install nerd-fonts-droid-sans-mono and run:

git clone --depth=1 ~/powerlevel10k
echo 'source ~/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >>~/.zshrc

Set DroidSansMono Nerd Font as your terminal font. To set it in VSCode, go to settings > JSON > then append this

"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "DroidSansMono Nerd Font",

i3-gaps basics

First, let's learn about shortcuts. On the top left, you will see a number. That's called a workspace. To switch between workspaces, just press $mod+number.

$mod is your mod key set in your i3 config (~/.config/i3/config). I prefer Win as my mod key, but you can change Mod4 to Mod1 if you would like to set alt as your mod key. It's located near the top of the file:

set $mod Mod4 # change to Mod1

Workspaces are the best way to manager windows. To open an application, you may press the application launcher button (KDE) or press $mod+d (dmenu). Type in anything you like, and press enter.

To exit your i3 session, just run $mod+shift+e. This will log you out. Another way to do it is to open the application launcher and log out.

There are many more, but you can google them yourself. Most of them are just how to position windows. To set a window 'floating', simply press $mod+shift+space. Press the same combination to toggle it back. Press $mod+leftclickdrag to move a window during floating mode, and $mod+rightclickdrag to resize a window during floating mode.

There's also a "resize mode" that you can toggle with $mod+r. Use your j, k, l, ; keys to resize windows and $mod+r to toggle it back to normal.

You can switch workspaces with $mod+number, right? But, you can also put a window in a workspace. Press $mod+shift+numberofworkspace to move a window to that workspace.

i3 extras

For me to stream on Discord, I have to put the program that I want to stream into the same workspace as Discord, right? But, I want the program to be fullscreen and Discord too. So, I created a shortcut ($mod+Up) that maximizes a floating window ('$mod+shift+space' to toggle floating). In that way, I can use my shortcut (Mod1+tab aka alt tab) to easily switch between floating windows.

I usually put Discord and games on one workspace, and important stuffs on another workspace.


I don't know why, but please backup your Opera cookies because somehow Opera clears cookies in vanilla i3wm. The cookies are stored at ~/.config/Opera/, in a file called Cookies. Run:

cd ~/.config/Opera && cp Cookies ./Cookies.backup

To restore:

cd ~/.config/Opera && rm Cookies && cp Cookies.backup ./Cookies