
Allow user to more easily compute nonspatial plot-based rarefaction curve

dmcglinn opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently the function rarefaction allows the argument method to have three values: indiv, samp, or spat. To compute the nonspatial plot-based rarefaction the user has to understand that this is actually just an individual-based rarefaction (i.e., method = 'indiv') and that effort is computed at the efforts (i.e., number of individuals in this case) that match how many plots were sampled. I propose we either

  1. switch the behavior of method = 'samp' such that it computes this curve and not the sample-based spatially implicit rarefaction curve as it does currently, or

  2. add a new method called 'samp_ns' where ns references non-spatial. Maybe there is a better name.

@rueuntal any thoughts here?

Hey @dmcglinn - thanks for catching this, I agree it could be confusing distinguishing the two types of sample-based curves. On the other hand, some users may find is useful to have the sample-based rarefaction curves in there, so I'd slightly prefer option 2.

Sounds good, I'll try to get an PR in on this.

It would be nice if the user could specify the curve acronym that use in the methods paper specifically:

  • sSBR = spatial sample-based rarefaction
  • nsSBR = nonspatial sample-based rarefaction
  • SBR = classic sample-based rarefaction
  • IBR = classic individual-based rarefaction

The term "classic" refers to the the traditional way in which these curves are defined as random samples of plots or individuals respectively.