- 20
- 1
Including executable on SD card
#203 opened by buffaloman7 - 1
#201 opened by CPMArchives - 1
Tail Call Optimization
#199 opened by polluks - 7
8088/XT DOS as a build target ?
#196 opened by Arawn-Davies - 4
Unable to build latest main branch
#195 opened by TurBoss - 3
8085 and APU/FPU
#192 opened by Torinde - 4
Z80ASM (and M80) hang
#191 opened by rtrussell - 2
Command switch to select base virtual-disk directory
#189 opened by Kroc - 1
Builds break after moving Lua in git submodule
#190 opened by ravn - 2
[Q] How about updateing to LUA v5.4.6?
#187 opened by guidol70 - 8
ESP32-Wrover kit freeze
#181 opened by Isysxp - 4
- 3
- 2
Bdos Err on M: Select when I try ASM DUMP.ASM
#179 opened by tkurtbond - 2
saving/loading Problem with HEBAS under RunCPM
#178 opened by guidol70 - 9
NULU open lbr files does not work
#177 opened by riwide - 3
BASIC/Z compiler not supported
#176 opened by riwide - 9
Feature request: Console on ESP32 TTL Serial port
#175 opened by frnno967 - 4
Going Crazt
#173 opened by kenmartin-unix - 1
#174 opened by kenmartin-unix - 1
Transverse (copy/execute) between slices
#172 opened by kenmartin-unix - 5
COPY program
#171 opened by kenmartin-unix - 4
- 4
Build errors in cpm.h
#169 opened by teach51 - 5
ESP32 C3 Support
#166 opened by apcameron - 1
[Info] Flashing LED waiting for serial connect
#165 opened by guidol70 - 1
[Question] MBASIC and TPA Size 60K <-> 64K
#164 opened by guidol70 - 8
Problem with v5.8 under Linux/armbian/Raspbian
#161 opened by guidol70 - 17
[PR #152] xxx.sub == now
#154 opened by drawkula - 4
CR vs CR LF problem with Lua?
#156 opened by drawkula - 4
- 5
- 1
#148 opened by CPMArchives - 2
- 3
ncurses.h not found in download
#146 opened by cdhdds - 3
Two problems on macosx
#145 opened by cdhdds - 2
Redirect console input and output from/to files
#144 opened by pzembrod - 7
[Info] new error-message because of SDFatConfig.h
#143 opened by guidol70 - 6
Programmable Character Graphics
#141 opened by snakebyte69 - 1
MacOS arrow keys and PC Keyboard Arrow Keys
#142 opened by snakebyte69 - 1
MacOS X Wordstar - Arrow Keys
#139 opened by snakebyte69 - 7
VT340 feature request
#140 opened by snakebyte69 - 2
[Info] Discord Invite Link doesnt work anymore
#137 opened by guidol70 - 2
- 5
- 5
- 3
[Question/Help?] cant compile anymore :(
#131 opened by guidol70 - 3
TXRX question
#132 opened by B1tbang3r - 2
BDOS 35 - Compute file size return value
#133 opened by MiguelVis