Official implementation of "CrossPoint: Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding" (CVPR, 2022)
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Is batch_size=20 enough?
#23 opened by yaoerqin - 1
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distributed training for CrossPoint
#11 opened by auniquesun - 0
RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid device ordinal
#20 opened by whuhxb - 0
What's the specific environment of this code?
#19 opened by whuhxb - 0
Availability of checkpoint
#18 opened by EnricoBeltramo - 4
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Definition of the dgcnn_seg model
#16 opened by YBZh - 3
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How did you use the t-sne visualization feature and can you provide the source code?
#10 opened by 2311762665 - 2
Can't download the dataset using gdown
#9 opened by Phoebe-ovo - 2
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About PointNetRendering Dataset
#8 opened by tyhuang0428 - 1
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How did you get the 2D images corresponding to the ModelNet40, ScanObjectNN point cloud data? The content inside eval_ssl.ipynb looks incomprehensible, can you provide the original .py file code?
#5 opened by 2311762665 - 3
Downstream tasks 3D Object classification
#4 opened by curryanswer - 5
the definition of loss function
#2 opened by hyxxx-alt - 1
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