
my first program is via C# for Windows devices and optionally implemented during my second training with Smart Methods

Primary LanguageC#

A control panel program for robot arm with databases for Windows devices via C#

My first program is via C# for Windows devices and optionally implemented during my second training with Smart Methods ✨ In fact, what was required during the training was to create a website linked to the database and I implemented it in another repository, but I thought that to learn and increase my skills in desktop applications, I must do an actual project for that, and this is what I did now!

The idea of the program is a control panel with a robot arm to control it with additional features that I have added such as displaying and deleting the database 🤖

In this animation, we see the program interface and experiments with it

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In this animation, try deleting from the database in the designated window

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In this animation, we test the features, do you work efficiently or not with the local database that was implemented through a program XAMPP, and the answer is yes, as you can see.

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In this animation there are additional options that refer to my account, description during training, version number and some information

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Home page:

much-a image

Database control page:

much-a image

The contact information option and with it my accounts and the smart methods training company:

much-a image

How to use the program?

It is possible if you do not have the program in which you implemented the project, which is a program (Visual Studio 2019)

This path and the file open and open within the folder

Control panel program for the robot via C sharp\Control panel program for the robot via C sharp\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\Control panel program for the robot via C sharp.exe

Component Diagram of software


A problem that I had encountered

The problem is that there was a bug that appears as in the picture that the database query is not executed and errors appear and this is the benefit of displaying the error via Try catch. The problem was that the table rows in the database had left and right names, and they were considered reserved words, so the change passed to them by adding a number, and the problem was solved

much-a image

Related tasks

As I mentioned at the beginning I did something similar with programming languages on the web like PHP, HTML and CSS

In this animation a sequence of site traffic and appearance on the response page and database for this project.

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I learned a lot through the work of this project, when using it, be careful to refer to me, but implement it yourself, you will learn more, the project in its first version took several days, but I liked the program in the end that it implemented what was required. It is true that there are some shortcomings in the program, but it is the first version, and I do not like that the work continues without a backup copy or parts in the description here, and we do not forget the saying "Done is better than perfect".

Future work

It is to supplement the databases page by making the variables can be switched like their location if they were on another device, but the challenge here is to discover the rows because entering the rows manually is not practical, and it is the challenge in the next update 🔜

Certainly, linking the start button to an actual robot so that the project is complete 🤖