
[V1.0] Allows to log content into files

Primary LanguageC#


Allows to log content into files.

For the Log method, the default destination folder is ".../Assets/Logs/".


bool Log(in string nameFile, in string content, in bool shouldAppend = true)

bool LogAbsolute(in string absoluteFilePath, in string content, in bool shouldAppend = true)

A boolean is returned to show the operation status (true = success, false = fail)


Logger.Log("Network", "Connected to server");

Logger.LogAbsolute(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Logs/", "Network"), "Disconnected from server");


File Network.txt (create if not exist)

[14:20:26] Connected to server
[14:20:26] Disconnected from server

Project Information

Made with Unity 2019.3

License MIT