
This Git repository is the end result of a tutorial on how to build a live streaming app using Cordova, Ionic and Bambuser's SDK:s and cloud services.


You need XCode and / or Android Studio, depending on whether you are targeting iOS or Android or both.

Also install Node.js and then run npm install -g ionic@3.20.0 cordova@8.0.0


to encapsulate the Node.js parts in a Docker container; run docker-compose run --service-ports example


  1. Run npm install to install project-specific dependencies declared in package.json

  2. Test the non-native parts of the app by running npm run ionic:serve and opening http://localhost:8100 in a web browser.

  3. Install cordova-plugin-bambuser with ionic cordova plugin add

  4. Add Cordova platform-specific project files

    a) Run ionic cordova platform add android to generate a Cordova based Android Studio project in ./platforms/android

    AND / OR

    b) Run ionic cordova platform add ios to generate a Cordova based XCode project in ./platforms/ios/

  5. Add your applicationId generated at the developer page in the constructor of ./src/pages/broadcaster/broadcaster.ts

  1. Run ionic cordova prepare after each change to the HTML5 parts of your hybrid app, i.e. the files in ./src/.

This outputs optimized JavaScript and CSS bundles into ./platforms/*/www/

  1. Build the native app

    a) Open the project in ./platforms/android with Android Studio to build an Android app.

    AND / OR

    b) Open the project in ./platforms/ios with XCode to build for an iOS device (live streaming not supported in the simulator)

For a more comprehensive walkthrough, check out the full tutorial.