
List of upcoming developer conferences

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Upcoming Developer Conferences

This repo tracks upcoming developer conferences. To add a conference to this list, please submit an issue, or fork this repo and submit a pull request.

Conference Name Location Start Date End Date Hash Tag
Texas Linux Fest Austin 08/21/15 08/22/15 #txlf
dotGo Paris 09/09/15 09/11/15 #dotGo
PostgresOpen Dallas 09/16/15 09/18/15 #pgopen2015
CppCon Bellevue, WA 09/20/15 09/25/15 #cppcon
SCALE Los Angeles 01/21/16 01/24/16 #scale14x
PyTennessee Nashville, TN 02/06/16 02/07/16 #PyTN2016