- abtiLinkedIn, ASF
- ace22b
- albertsRippling
- aliuyMicrosoft
- bsgreenbBloomington, IN
- camasseyMind the Product
- chrisspruckAspiring data analyst, open to work
- criskimBarkBox
- csharpfritzMicrosoft
- derekargueta@airbnb
- dtn-marknorgren
- FerPerales@thoughtbot
- frabrunelle
- Gchorba
- grant@additiveai
- himynamesdavedogesec
- hugochinchillaCodium Team
- joshsimmons@OpenChaptersTech
- krrishdny
- LusciousPearRoboticProfit
- marcoherbst@evercam - Construction Cameras
- martindale@FabricLabs
- marwanhilmi@runreal
- mehdimCODE IS LAW
- mikestoweSan Francisco
- NagymanToronto, ON
- nathanbrauer@Marketera
- oalamiSan Francisco, CA
- picsoung@Typeform
- RichardLitt@sustainers
- roaringsheepPortland, OR
- rukmal@renxyzinc
- Shadow6363@instacart
- smngreenbergNorth
- so2
- wiseleo