Cortex Command Mod Converter Engine icon

Cortex Command Mod Converter Engine

A library for automatically converting mods to the latest version of the Cortex Command Community Project.

The Cortex Command Legacy Mod Converter presents a GUI for this library.


  1. Download Zig version 0.12.0 for Windows from here. You'll need to add the path to its unzipped directory to your system's Path environment variable. Confirm it works by running zig version in a terminal.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Open the cloned directory in Visual Studio Code. (Which is absolutely not the same thing as Visual Studio!)
  4. Hold Ctrl+Shift+B to get a selection of the available tasks (coming from .vscode/tasks.json), and select the Tests task. A terminal should pop up in VS Code that shows that all tests pass.
  5. Like stated in the introduction, you should use the Cortex Command Legacy Mod Converter if you want a GUI for this library. If you want to run the engine from the terminal however, you can do so. By hitting F5 while having this repository open in VS Code, the default launch configuration (coming from .vscode/launch.json) will run, which converts the mods in the input/ directory and outputs them to the output/ directory.