Build Status


Start the development server

docker build -t dist .

The script create a ./data directory to persist Neo4j's data to the host machine. The Docker image will load a sample database if the directory ./data/databases/graph.db does not exist (for example, at first run).

If you want to restore the sample data, simply delete ./data and run ./scripts/ again.

Init a new sample database (20 seconds on 8 CPUs)


Backup the current db

./scripts/ # will dump to ./data/init.db.bak on host machine

Tail application's logs

make logs

View the toy graph

  • Visit http://localhost:7474
  • Set Connect URL to bolt://localhost:7687
  • Set Authentication type to No authentication
  • Click the top left icon (Databases), it should show the currently existing node and relationship types. Click on one of them to view the graph.
  • Drag the nodes far away from each other for clarity. You can also set colors for them.

Make a test request

  • Nearest neighbors
curl --request GET 'localhost:8080/api/v1/samples/s1/nearest-neighbours'
# The result should be a JSON array of {experiement_id: str, distance: int}
  • Nearest leaf in the phylogenetic tree
curl --request GET 'localhost:8080/api/v1/samples/s1/nearest-leaf-node'
# The result should look like
# {
#   "distance": 7,
#   "leaf_id": "l857"
# }

Stop (& destroy) the development server

docker stop dist


Run tests

make test_db
make test