
Monarch Biolink Knowledge Beacon implementation (as a Python Flask application)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Biolink Beacon

A knowledge beacon implementation for the Monarch Biolink API (https://api.monarchinitiative.org/api/), a biomedical data source containing information about diseases, phenotypes, and genes, and the relations between them.

Getting the Project

The biolink-beacon package is not yet available through PyPI, thus, to install, clone this repo using git.

git clone https://github.com/NCATS-Tangerine/biolink-beacon

# ... then  enter  into your cloned project repository
cd biolink-beacon

Installing and Running without Docker

First, create a virtual environment:

python3.7 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

The application expects to use a Python release 3.7.4 or newer binary (note that your binary in the venv command above may just be typed as python3.7, python3 or even just python but the python --version should resolve to 3.7.4 or better).

Next, make sure that your pip version is 3.7 compliant. It is also a good idea to ensure that you have the latest version of pip for your venv:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Site Configuration

The beacon server runtime relies on a swagger.yaml file sitting under server/swagger_server/swagger. Two templates are currently provided - one assuming a development 'localhost' host and root basepath; the other for NCATS endpoint deployment. Copy over one or the other template into a file named swagger.yaml within the same directory.


Then, run the following commands within the biolink-beacon directory. Note that errors may result if ontobio and connexion[swagger-ui] are not installed separately.

pip install ontobio
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install connexion[swagger-ui]
pip install client/
pip install server/
cd server/
python -m swagger_server

Running with Docker

docker build -t ncats:biolink .
docker run -d --rm --name biolink -p 8080:8080 ncats:biolink

This will run the Docker container named 'biolink' as a daemon on port 8080 (or 8078 in the NCATS deployment).

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ui/ in your browser to see the Swagger UI or whichever URL to which you have aliased the server (e.g. for NCATS, might be something like https://kba.ncats.io/beacon/biolink/ui/).



    "definition": "A Fanconi anemia that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the FANCA gene on chromosome 16q24.",
    "id": "MONDO:0009215",
    "name": "Fanconi anemia complementation group a",
    "synonyms": [
      "Estren-Dameshek Variant of Fanconi Anemia",
      "Fanconi Anemia",
      "Fanconi Anemia, Estren-Dameshek Variant",
      "Estren-Dameshek Variant of Fanconi Pancytopenia",
      "Fanconi anemia complementation group type A",
      "Fanconi Anemia, Complementation Group type a"
    "type": "disease"


    "id": "biolink:06c7f4a5-65e5-4243-bbdd-ab92ced62997",
    "object": {
      "id": "HP:0000252",
      "name": "Microcephaly",
      "type": "phenotype"
    "predicate": {
      "id": "RO:0002200",
      "name": "has phenotype"
    "subject": {
      "id": "MONDO:0009215",
      "name": "Fanconi anemia complementation group a",
      "type": "disease"


    "id": "HP:0000252",
    "name": "Microcephaly",
    "synonyms": [
      "Reduced head circumference",
      "Abnormally small skull",
      "Decreased size of cranium",
      "Decreased circumference of cranium",
      "small cranium",
      "Small head circumference",
      "Abnormally small cranium",
      "Decreased size of head",
      "Decreased size of skull",
      "Abnormally small head",
      "Small head",
      "small calvarium",
      "Small skull"
    "type": "Phenotype"