
Aimbot implementation for RM2021

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Aimbot implementation for RM2021


  • Armor detection with number recognition
  • Asynchronized serial communication


Build the project

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

After the building process is done, the generated executables will be put in bin/ and static libraries will be put in lib/.

Get Started


  • File tree:
|    |--123svm.xml (Pre-trained SVM for number recognition)
|    |--camera_params.xml (Camera instrinsics and distortion parameters)
|--inc/ (Project headers)
|--sample/ (Provided application samples)
|    |--CMakeLists.txt (cmake for samples)
|    |--SerialTest.cc (Test serial commnication)
|    |--ShowCaptureImge.cc (Test camera)
|    |--SysAllTest.cc (All system integration app)
|    |--TestDetection.cc (Test detection algorithm with camera images)
|--src/ (Project source code)
|    |--Aimbot/ (Core detection algorithm implementation)
|    |    |--AngleSolver.cc
|    |    |--ArmorBox.cc
|    |    |--ArmorDetector.cc
|    |    |--ArmorNumClassifier.cc
|    |    |--LightBar.cc
|    |    |--findLights.cc
|    |    |--matchArmors.cc
|    |    |--CMakeLists.txt
|    |--AsyncSerial/ (Asynchronized serial communication implementation)
|    |    |--AsyncSerial.cc
|    |    |--BufferedAsyncSerial.cc
|    |    |--CMakeLists.txt
|    |--GxCamera/ (Galaxy camera driver)
|    |    |--GxCamera.cc
|    |    |--CMakeLists.txt
|    |--PacketManager/
|    |--utils/
  • Design concept:

    Every directory under src/ will compile as a static library that provides certain function. When writing application code (such as those in sample/), you just link your code to the library according to the function you want. All project is organized with CMake, you may want to refer to 《CMake Cookbook》 for CMake learning.