
"Defragmentation TS2: bringing BioImage Analysts to the cloud!” training school for the new generation of bioimage analysts. Topics: workflow-based image analysis and new integrated methods for cloud computing applied to life sciences.

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Defragmentation Training School 2 - NEUBIAS Academy & EOSC-Life 2023

A training school for the new generation of bioimage analysts. Topics: workflow-based image analysis and new integrated methods for cloud computing applied to life sciences.

"Defragmentation TS2: bringing BioImage Analysts to the cloud!”


Date Day Sessions Speakers Time
8 May Day 1 Welcome. Overview and logistics

Student introductions

Introduction: What is bioimage analysis?

Jupyter for interactive cloud computing

Cloud-hosted image data storage, visualisation and sharing

Work on your own data


Paula Sampaio & Rocco D'Antuono

Kota Miura

Guillaume Witz

Bugra Oezdemir

Rocco D'Antuono & other Trainers

Petr Walczysko







9 May Day 2

Parallelization and heterogeneous computing: from pure CPU to GPU-accelerated image processing

Zero code Deep Learning tools for Bioimage Analysis

Analysis of Microtubule Orientation

CellProfiler for HCS data on the cloud

Work on your own data

Marcelo Zoccoler

Daniel Sage and Estibaliz Gomez de Mariscal

Thomas Pengo

Nodar Gogoberidze & Anna Klemm

Rocco D'Antuono & other Trainers






10 May Day 3

Metrics and Benchmarking

BIAFLOWS: A BioImage Analysis workflows benchmarking platform

Machine and Deep Learning on the Cloud: Classification

Machine and Deep Learning on the Cloud: Segmentation

Work on your own data

Martin Maška

Sébastien Tosi, Volker Baecker, and Benjamin Pavie

Felix Mercier

Ignacio Arganda Carreras

Rocco D'Antuono & other Trainers






11 May Day 4 Symposium
12 May Day 5 Symposium

Defragmentation TS2 is part of the NEUBIAS 5th Conference: https://eubias.org/NEUBIAS/neubias2020-conference/portugal-2023/

Scientific Organizers: Paula Sampaio, Rocco D'Antuono, Aastha Mathur, Beatriz Serrano Solano, Ana Stojiljkovic, Maria Azevedo, Kota Miura, Julien Colombelli.

Event Timing: 8-12 May 2023, Porto, PT

Defragmentation TS2 Contacts:

  • Paula Sampaio, i3S, Porto, sampaio@i3s.up.pt
  • Rocco D'Antuono, The Francis Crick Institute, London, rocco.dantuono@crick.ac.uk

    Please use the following subject: Defragmentation TS2

    Training School preparation

    Trainees are kindly asked to get ready for the TS2 by doing the following homework in advance.

    Day 1

    Get the following accounts for :

    Day 2

    GPU-Accelerated Image Processing and Machine Learning

    Zero-Code Deep Learning tools for BioImage Analysis

    Fiji installation:

    • Download and install it from here
    • Install the plugins deepImageJ and MorphoLibJ using the Updater of Fiji:
      • Help > Update… > Open the “Manage update sites”.
      • Select DeepImageJ, IJPB-Plugins (i.e., MorpholibJ)
    • Close Fiji and open it again. You're ready!

    Transfer the data to your Google Drive

    Open the ZeroCostDL4Mic notebook for the 2D U-Net multilabel


    Instructions for CellProfiler presentation:

    If you don't have it yet, install CellProfiler, either:

    [Optional] install docker from here: https://www.docker.com/, and dockerfile from here: https://github.com/CellProfiler/distribution/tree/master/docker

    Day 3:

    You need a Docker Hub account with the same name as your GitHub account. Docker Hub allows only letters and digits. ‘-’ on GitHub will be removed for Docker Hub Everything will be made lower-case for Docker Hub, like follows:

    volker-baecker -> volkerbaecker

    Create you accounts:

    BIAFLOWS sandbox server: https://biaflows-sandbox.neubias.org

    Training School & Symposium material

    Day 1:

    Day 2:

    Day 3:

    Day 4:

    Day 5:

    • Session 3: Data Management and Infrastructures