
VS Intellisense - Missing Detours include & REMIX_BRIDGE_CLIENT/REMIX_BRIDGE_SERVER Macro

xoxor4d opened this issue · 0 comments

  • The VS solution is missing the detours include path / search path. Adding ..\ext\Detours\src to the search path in the NMake tab within the bridge-remix project settings fixes that.

  • I've also noticed that REMIX_BRIDGE_CLIENT nor REMIX_BRIDGE_SERVER is defined when viewing utils_messagechannel.h.
    Intellisense tries to include thread.h which can not be found in any of the defined search paths. The dxvk namespace can not be resolved either ( typedef dxvk::thread ThreadType;).


Edit: another unresolved Macro:

  • BRIDGE_VERSION in client/d3d9_lss.cpp