
You do not need multi gpus, the code uses the distributed package from pytorch, so you need to start it with the distributed packages starting lines. I think with a 3050 you might need to reduce quite a bit the batchsize.

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          You do not need multi gpus, the code uses the distributed package from pytorch, so you need to start it with the distributed packages starting lines. I think with a 3050 you might need to reduce quite a bit the batchsize.

Originally posted by @TontonTremblay in #318 (comment)

I tried to run. When I use python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 train.py --network dope --epochs 2 --batchsize 1 --outf tmp/ --data ./example command, I got RuntimeError: No rendezvous handler for env://
I think this has happened cause I'm using window 10. Or is there anoter reason??

Hard for me to know, it might also be that a 3050 at the end of the day is not the best equipped to do deep learning.

Sounds like it is maybe something with your environment. Try updating your drivers, packages, and maybe even the operating system. Maybe switch to Linux. It is what I use.

Also, check and make sure you are not running out of memory on your GPU

Thanks for answer. I will check my drivers and try to train again.