
render_json.py in scripts/metrics does not work as expected

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Trying to run the scripts/metrics/render_json.py as described under "Rendering 3d predictions using NViSII": https://github.com/NVlabs/Deep_Object_Pose/tree/master/scripts/metrics with

python3 render_json.py --path_json ../nvisii_data_gen/output/dataset/003_cracker_box/000/00000.json --scale 1 --overlay --myobjectname 003_cracker_box --gray

nvisii_data_gen generates the json file with objects of interest named as "name": "single_obj_* with "class": "obj". So I've added the option "--myobjectname" to load the object of interest correctly.

The JSON file:

What I get is a grayscale output image named overlay.png, but without any cuboids rendered.

What could be wrong?

I think you are missing the 3d model you want to use. try removing the distractors. I think you are missing some downloads somehow, not sure how you set it up.

Thanks @TontonTremblay, yes seems to be a problem with paths to the 3D models.