Pinned Repositories
This Application is Banking System every user can create Account in any Bank and they can deposit,withdraw,getting loan and some features add on here, It's an user friendly console application every one can use this with Exception!
The cab booking project is used to book online from where you need there are three user admin and user and cab driver, The admin can check the cab details who all booked who all login etc, I have provide user-friendly domain to customer's happy it will helpful to all users used my cab booking online..
This application is about Employee Management is full of web application using Angular with json-DB and there is 1. Admin 2. User Admin can ADD, DELETE, UPDATE etc.. New user can Register, and the existing user can login and enter to home page to perform an action to it.
LibrayManagementSystem is a console application there are two modules 1.Admin 2.User Every user can order book and can see their return date to the order book, The admin can check the user who all token books and can add and delete in database of librayManagemetSystem.
The Students can attempt the exam from the home by online test i have attached 3 changes for each question the id of the test will be release before the date exam starts, The login will be available on the time if they miss the timing they cannot write the exam so its helpful for attending the exam on line .
Online voting system is very useful to our pandemic situation there wont be any duplicate votes from any of the user we have develop 2 cross check option for the voters safety measures 1.Fingerprint or Retina Scanner of voters 2.ID proof check,It's be safe and secure for the election the election link will be share before the elections start there will be 2 links provide at time for not signal jam, Every vote can be counted and display in admin dashboard after the election over the result will display by graph and candidate name.Its helpful to avoid null duplicate votes and safety from pandemic.
The webpage is about Legato health technology, this is a sample webpage what I have learned and implemented, we can navigate one page to another and the form has connected with MySQL server to store the data
Nabies's Repositories
Online voting system is very useful to our pandemic situation there wont be any duplicate votes from any of the user we have develop 2 cross check option for the voters safety measures 1.Fingerprint or Retina Scanner of voters 2.ID proof check,It's be safe and secure for the election the election link will be share before the elections start there will be 2 links provide at time for not signal jam, Every vote can be counted and display in admin dashboard after the election over the result will display by graph and candidate name.Its helpful to avoid null duplicate votes and safety from pandemic.
This Application is Banking System every user can create Account in any Bank and they can deposit,withdraw,getting loan and some features add on here, It's an user friendly console application every one can use this with Exception!
The cab booking project is used to book online from where you need there are three user admin and user and cab driver, The admin can check the cab details who all booked who all login etc, I have provide user-friendly domain to customer's happy it will helpful to all users used my cab booking online..
This application is about Employee Management is full of web application using Angular with json-DB and there is 1. Admin 2. User Admin can ADD, DELETE, UPDATE etc.. New user can Register, and the existing user can login and enter to home page to perform an action to it.
LibrayManagementSystem is a console application there are two modules 1.Admin 2.User Every user can order book and can see their return date to the order book, The admin can check the user who all token books and can add and delete in database of librayManagemetSystem.
The Students can attempt the exam from the home by online test i have attached 3 changes for each question the id of the test will be release before the date exam starts, The login will be available on the time if they miss the timing they cannot write the exam so its helpful for attending the exam on line .
The webpage is about Legato health technology, this is a sample webpage what I have learned and implemented, we can navigate one page to another and the form has connected with MySQL server to store the data
Config files for my GitHub profile.