This Application is about "Banking Application" it build by Java with OOPS it make user for User friendly Exception option it can help the people to create a bank and bank Account and can have deposit,withdrawn etc... In my project i have used Exception to handle for user friendly. I have used some Object oriented programming language. I have used to generate auto increment for Accno and i fix date and time for creating Account and withdrawn money in bank. For withdraw i have created an my user defined exception "InvalidFundException" and i use throw keyword to achive here and i extends using Exception used in my project. Mainly i have achived without using static keyword in my project. ABout Loan page i have used interfcae to achive it!
This Application is Banking System every user can create Account in any Bank and they can deposit,withdraw,getting loan and some features add on here, It's an user friendly console application every one can use this with Exception!