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MegEngine is a fast, scalable and easy-to-use deep learning framework, with auto-differentiation.
NOTE: MegEngine now supports Linux-64bit/Windows-64bit/MacOS-10.14+ (CPU-Only) Platforms with Python from 3.5 to 3.8. On Windows 10 you can either install the Linux distribution through Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or install the Windows distribution directly.
Commands to install from binaries via pip wheels are as follows:
python3 -m pip install megengine -f https://megengine.org.cn/whl/mge.html
Most of the dependencies of MegEngine are located in third_party
directory, which can be prepared by executing:
But some dependencies need to be Installed manually:
- CUDA(>=10.1), cuDNN(>=7.6)are required when building MegEngine with CUDA support.
- TensorRT(>=5.1.5) is required when building with TensorRT support.
- LLVM/Clang(>=6.0) is required when building with Halide JIT support.
- Python(>=3.5), Numpy, are required to build Python modules.
MegEngine uses CMake as the build tool. We provide the following scripts to facilitate building.
- host_build.sh is to build MegEngine targeted to run on the same host machine.
Please run the following command to get help information:
scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh -h
- cross_build_android_arm_inference.sh is to build MegEngine targeted to run at Android-ARM platforms.
Please run the following command to get help information:
scripts/cmake-build/cross_build_android_arm_inference.sh -h
- cross_build_linux_arm_inference.sh is to build MegEngine targeted to run at Linux-ARM platforms.
Please run the following command to get help information:
scripts/cmake-build/cross_build_linux_arm_inference.sh -h
- cross_build_ios_arm_inference.sh is to build MegEngine targeted to run iphone/iPad platforms.
Please run the following command to get help information:
Please refer to BUILD_README.md for more details.
- MegEngine adopts Contributor Covenant to maintain our community. Please read the Code of Conduct to get more information.
- Every contributor of MegEngine must sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) to clarify the intellectual property license granted with the contributions. For more details, please refer Contributor License Agreement
- You can help MegEngine better in many ways:
- Write code.
- Improve documentation.
- Answer questions on MegEngine Forum, or Stack Overflow.
- Contribute new models in MegEngine Model Hub.
- Try a new idea on MegStudio.
- Report or investigate bugs and issues.
- Review Pull Requests.
- Star MegEngine repo.
- Reference MegEngine in your papers and articles.
- Recommend MegEngine to your friends.
- ...
We believe we can build an open and friendly community and power humanity with AI.
- Issue: github.com/MegEngine/MegEngine/issues
- Email: megengine-support@megvii.com
- Forum: discuss.megengine.org.cn
- QQ Group: 1029741705
- OPENI: openi.org.cn/MegEngine
MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved.