
A gradle plugin for sign artifacts with maven publish

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Publication Sign

A gradle plugin for sign publication artifacts. For fast deploy to maven central.

This plugin will not help you configure your remote server location.

PS only help you to sign all your artifacts with GPG

System requirement: gpg installed


Plugin apply

plugins {
    // Load this plugin first for resolve magic problems
    id 'io.github.karlatemp.publication-sign' version '1.3.40'
    // other plugins

In order to avoid strange problems, please let this plugin load first

Important: If you are using Kotlin multiplatform. Must apply this plugin before org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform

plugins {
    id 'io.github.karlatemp.publication-sign'
    id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform'



plugins {
    id 'io.github.karlatemp.publication-sign'

publicationSign {
    setupWorkflow { workflow ->
        workflow.fastSetup("keys/key.pub", "keys/key.pri")


plugins {

configure<io.github.karlatemp.publicationsign.PublicationSignExtension> {
    setupWorkflow {
        fastSetup("keys/keys.pub", "keys/keys.pri")

Multi-project configuration

  1. Apply this plugin to root project. Then config PublicationSignExtension
  2. Subprojects only need apply the plugin. Don't need re-setup PublicationSignExtension

GPG Key setup

See key-gen.sh


name: Publish

  # This workflow contains a single job called "build"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      WORK_IN_CI: true
      - name: Keys setup
        shell: bash
        run: |
          mkdir keys
          echo "$GPG_PUBLIC_" > keys/keys.pub
          echo "$GPG_PRIVATE" > keys/keys.pri
          GPG_PRIVATE: ${{ secrets.GPG_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          GPG_PUBLIC_: ${{ secrets.GPG_PUBLIC_KEY }}
      - name: Build
        run: ./gradlew build
      - name: Publish
        run: ./gradlew publish


./gradlew publish/ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Implementation details:

Local Signing Environment Setup

In setupWorkflow { fastSetup() }, arguments that provided to fastSetup(publicKey & privateKey) will be resolved by Project.file().

When both of publicKey and privateKey exists, PS will run in CI mode, otherwise run in user mode.

You need setup a personal GPG key when PS running in user mode.

You can use gpg --list-secret-keys to find your keys.


If you have multiple GPG keys, we recommand you to setup signing.keyId in gradle.properties of your personal gradle data directory (~/.gradle)

signing.keyId can be found by executing gpg --list-secret-keys

CI Env improvement

Sometimes you will receive a GPG command response 2 != 0 error. It caused by GPG's data directory path length limit.

It means you need your project build with a short path on CI.

Actually just need use setupWorkflow { workingDir = new File("/tmp") } to resolve it

In order to deal with the situation, PS added some options to forcefully override user settings in build.grade

  • Check system property publication-sign.workingDir, force override GPG command working dir if available
  • Check system environment variable PUBLICATION_SIGN_WORKING_DIR, same as above
  • Check system environment variable NOT_IN_CI, interrupt if true (Continue to use user mode)
  • Check is CI env
    • Check system environment variable CI, jump to AATD if true
    • Jump to AAID if system envionment variable GITHUB_RUN_ID exists
    • Interrupt if no rule matched (Continue to use user mode)
  • Allocate a new temp directory and override user settings (AATD)
    • Calculate project sha1 by project directory path
    • Use /tmp/ps_$projectsha if directory creation successed. (Windows) Driver name will be same as working directory of running process
    • Use D:/a/psign_$projectsha if running on windows and directory creation successed
    • Use /Users/runner/work/p_$projectsha if running on windows and directory creation successed
    • Use JDK system api to create temp directory

Follow-up content is some content about other aspects.

You may be thinking that even with PS, there are too many things to configure. Here are some secondary encapsulation of PS, which can complete the distribution of the project with less configuration.