- 0
Location of YSO-suggestion form link
#27 opened by jarmosaarikko - 0
Muutosehdotuksen Github-issue-otsikkoon / tietoihin kaikkien neljän YSO-kielen preflabelit
#97 opened by tpalonen - 2
Setting up a proxy is complicated.
#95 opened by miguelvaara - 0
Make widget Skosmos 3 compatible
#81 opened by Vainonen - 0
Ehdotuswidgetin tekstin muokkaus
#77 opened by mirmaid - 0
- 1
- 6
What kind of redesiging and refactoring of the code is needed if the widget is used outside the YSO?
#35 opened by miguelvaara - 0
"Ehdota muutosta käsitteeseen"-linkki ei ole lokalisoitu englanniksi eikä ruotsiksi
#64 opened by nvolk - 0
Ehdotuslomakkeessa näkyy asiasanan kohdalla merkkienkoodauksia itse merkin sijaan
#63 opened by nvolk - 0
- 4
- 1
Ehdotuslomakkeen käyttö erikoisontologialle
#47 opened by jarmosaarikko - 0
User interface in English?
#31 opened by miguelvaara - 1
Installing the suggestion widget on the YSO Places allows you to suggest the broader and narrower concepts for the geographical concepts
#36 opened by miguelvaara - 0
The widget window should be movable
#37 opened by miguelvaara - 0
Widget closes by itself if opened before all information of page loaded
#51 opened by MikkoAleksanteri - 2
Security checks
#32 opened by miguelvaara - 1
- 2
Ehdotukselle ei synny labeleita YSEen
#46 opened by mirmaid - 2
A need for a direct link to the widget
#38 opened by miguelvaara - 0
- 0
While using the "npm run build" command, the components.js file is not updated
#33 opened by miguelvaara