Localization Analyzer

A repository for scripts and tools to analyze the performance of lidar odometry and the SLAM system. Primarily used for LOCUS and LAMP evaluation. The package is a wrapper for awesome trajectory analyzing tool evo.

How to install

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install seaborn
pip3 install evo

After installation complete reboot because evo needs that, then in your catkin_ws workspace

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/NeBula-Autonomy/localization_analyzer.git

How to run

How to store data in order to run the scripts

To run the scripts smoothly you should have the following folder structure for dataset that you are going to evaluate. Assuming the folder is called test_localization_analyzer_dataset. In this folder you should have the following folders and files

+-- ground_truth
|   +-- odometry.bag
+-- specific_method_run_number
|   +-- cpu.bag
|   +-- delay.txt
|   +-- mem.bag
|   +-- odometry.bag
|   +-- rate.txt
+-- specific_method2_run_number
|   +-- cpu.bag
|   +-- delay.txt
|   +-- mem.bag
|   +-- odometry.bag
|   +-- rate.txt
+-- specific_method3_run_number
|   +-- cpu.bag
|   +-- delay.txt
|   +-- mem.bag
|   +-- odometry.bag
|   +-- rate.txt

Folder naming:

  • specific_method, specific_method2, specific_method3 corresponds to the names in specific_methods in config/analyzer_settings.yaml

  • run_number - corresponds to the test name that you specified for your tests (see run_analyzer.yaml for example)

  • ground_truth - folder where you store bag folder with the ground truth (needs to be called odometry.bag)

Files description:

  • cpu.bag and mem.bag - produced from monitor.py. See LOCUS scripts how to use it.

  • delay.txt - dekay of the odometry topic

rostopic delay <odometry_topic> -w3 >> /path/to/test_localization_analyzer_dataset/specific_method_run_number/delay.txt
  • rate.txt - rate of the odometry topic
rostopic hz <odometry_topic> -w3 >> /path/to/test_localization_analyzer_dataset/specific_method_run_number/rate.txt
  • odometry.bag - recorded odometry information
rosbag record -O /path/to/test_localization_analyzer_dataset/specific_method_run_number/odometry.bag <odometry_topic>

Run script

For easy run go to

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/localization_analyzer/scripts/

setup variables in run_analyzer.yaml and run

tmuxp load run_analyzer.yaml

(see run_analyzer.yaml for easy use)


If you prefer run python script from the command line directly:

python $(rospack find localization_analyzer)/scripts/analyzer.py <data/path/to/your/folder> <robot_name> <robot_odometry_topic> <test_name>

<data/path/to/your/folder> - path to the main folder where your recorded bag data is (e.g. path to test_localization_analyzer_dataset)

<robot_name> - robot namespace

<robot_odometry_topic> - topic of the odometry (needs to contain robot namespace)

<test_name> - name of the test

Content description


analyzer_settings.yaml - config file that specify what metrics should be evaluated for single robot odometry



analyzer.py - the entrypoint of single robot analyzer

base_analyzer.py - the entrypoint of multi robot analyzer


run_analyzer.yaml - tmux script for the single robot analyzer

utilities folder

aggregate_odometries.py - script to aggregate user requested odometries along with ground truth odometry.



utilities.py - module with all the extra functionalities used for analysis

boxplot_from_npz.py - drawing boxplt from npz

compute_distances_travelled.py - compute distance travelled

get_dataset_duration.py - get dataset duration








