- 3
- 6
- 0
Update to the latest tesseract version?
#15 opened by StefanoCos - 3
TessAPIInit failed. Output: -1
#6 opened by Thor-Franklin - 0
- 1
How can i build in iOS
#10 opened by midhunbaby123 - 3
System.DllNotFoundException in android
#7 opened by shalumhmd - 0
Where can i get android libraries
#12 opened by shalumhmd - 0
How it works on IOS
#9 opened by shalumhmd - 2
The name 'str_ptr' does not exist in the current context (for UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN)
#8 opened by dmax1 - 2
iOS support
#4 opened by marvpaul - 1
IndexOutOfRange - TesseractWrapper
#5 opened by J9B1 - 2
I have an error.
#3 opened by ViousGod - 3
- 3
#1 opened by bakalarczuk