
A ROS package that takes as input a video file and makes it a rosbag.

Primary LanguagePython


A ROS package that takes as input a video file and makes it a rosbag under 'camera/color/image_raw' topic.

Has been tested for ROS-Kinetic and OpenCV 3.3.0 .


In first terminal:

$ roscore

Then in another terminal (first parameter is the video location, second is the output bag file name):

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/video_to_rosbag
$ rosrun video_to_rosbag video_to_rosbag.py /home/nek/catkin_ws/src/video_to_rosbag/drone.avi rosbag_output


For the reverse function, meaning from rosbag to images, do (make sure to check the paths for your case in your launch file):

$ roslaunch video_to_rosbag rosbag_to_images.launch