
ORBSLAM 3 docker with GUI

Primary LanguageShell

ORB_SLAM3 docker

This docker is based on ros melodic ubuntu 18.

There are two versions available:

  • CPU based (Xorg Nouveau display)
  • Nvidia Cuda based.

To check if you are running the nvidia driver, simply run nvidia-smi and see if get anything.

Based on which graphic driver you are running, you should choose the proper docker. For cuda version, you need to have nvidia-docker setup on your machine.

Compilation and Running

Steps to compile the Orbslam3 on the sample dataset:

  • ./download_dataset_sample.sh
  • build_container_cpu.sh or build_container_cuda.sh depending on your machine.

Now you should see ORB_SLAM3 is compiling. To run a test example:

  • docker exec -it orbslam3 bash
  • cd /ORB_SLAM3/Examples&&./euroc_examples.sh

You can use vscode remote development (recommended) or sublime to change codes.

  • docker exec -it orbslam3 bash
  • subl /ORB_SLAM3