A library for solving differential equations using neural networks based on PyTorch, used by multiple research groups around the world, including at Harvard IACS.
- akapet00Zagreb, Croatia
- aksj98Carnegie Mellon University
- alisiahkoohiRice University
- anshu957
- anuwuMicrosoft Research @mpc-msri
- berrieraCorvallis, Oregon
- Bruce1998Lenovo
- DaikiKurihara
- devanshkvBristol Myers Squibb
- diegoferigoItalian Institute of Technology
- dylanrandle
- EdgeLLMRenmin University of China
- eogns282KAIST
- erics666Bethlehem,PA
- husisy
- Ilya-MurometsPrinceton University
- joglekara@ergodicio @pasteurlabs
- joshualin24University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- jscuds
- JucksonP
- lululxviYale University
- mathmerizingGoogle
- mfschroeder
- michael-ziedalski
- nguyenkhoa0209
- niannujiaowj
- okara83
- prashjhaSouth Dakota School of Mines and Technology
- RahulSundarBio-mimetics Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- rugantio
- shivasjHarvard University
- smao-astroLos Alamos National Laboratory
- tmatsuzawaCornell University
- wanghaolin
- WuShichaoMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
- YiChenLove