
Screenshot 2023-08-24 130801

OpenLane is a open source software based on SKY130PDK library, it automates synthesis, placement, routing,CTS and physical verification. It provides a framework for automating and customizing the ASIC design flow, making it easier to create custom integrated circuits. This automation can significantly reduce design time and minimize errors.

Specification and Requirements:

  • Define the project's requirements, including functionality, performance, power consumption, and area constraints.

RTL Design:

  • Create the Register Transfer Level (RTL) design using hardware description languages like Verilog or VHDL.
  • Write the RTL code that describes the digital logic and functionality of the ASIC.

RTL Simulation:

  • Simulate the RTL design to verify its correctness and functionality.
  • Ensure that the design meets the specified requirements.


  • Uses a synthesis tool ( Yosys) to convert RTL code into a gate-level netlist.
  • Optimize the design for area, power, and timing.


  • Define the physical layout of the ASIC, specifying the location of major components, I/O pads, and power distribution.


  • Place the synthesized logic gates and components onto the chip's layout.
  • Ensure that placement adheres to the defined floorplan constraints.

Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS):

  • Create a clock distribution network to ensure synchronous operation of all components.
  • Minimize clock skew and optimize for signal arrival times.


  • Establish the physical connections between the placed components using metal layers.
  • Optimize for minimal wirelength, avoiding congestion and crosstalk.

Static Timing Analysis (STA):

  • Perform timing analysis to ensure that the design meets the required timing constraints.
  • Fix any violations by optimizing the design or adjusting clock frequencies.

Physical Verification: - Run design rule checks (DRC) and layout versus schematic checks (LVS) to ensure that the layout adheres to manufacturing rules and matches the synthesized netlist.

Tape-Out: - Prepare the final design files for manufacturing, including the GDSII file, which contains the layout information. - Verify that the design is ready for fabrication.


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