
Ros eye-to-hand calibration with Kinect2

Primary LanguageGherkin

eye-to-hand calibration

  • Build a workpiece coordinate system and get 4 points like (0,0,0), (10,0,0), (0,10,0), (0,0,10).
  • Get coordinates in camera coordinate system (Xc,Yc,Zc) of the 4 points by using rosrun kinect2_viewer click_rgb.
  • Then calculate the camera to workpiece transformation matrix A with the 4 points informations(Pay attention to the unit scale).
  • Detect the target and get the pixs (x1,y1),then use click_rgb.cpp get the camera coordunate (X1c,Y1c,Z1c).


Get (Xc,Yc,Zc) by pixs (x,y) of color image and depth image .we can get the (Xc,Yc,Zc) from a cloud image with known pixs(x,y).

Ps:Kinect2.0 SDK MapColorFrameToCameraSpace() can get the (Xc,Yc,Zc) by color frame and depthPoint frame at one pix .


Kinect V2 => (OpenNi2 OpenCL OpenCV)


  • Create ROS package as eye_to_hand
  • Clone files to eye_to_hand/src directory
  • Install iai_kinect2 [iai_kinect2] (from https://github.com/code-iai/iai_kinect2)
  • Move the file /eye_to_hand/src/calibration/2Dimg_to_3Dcamer/click_rgb.cpp to /iai_kinect2/kinect2_viewer/src
  • Add follow lines in
	add_executable(click_rgb src/click_rgb.cpp) 

	install(TARGETS click_rgbs
then **make** Package iai_kinect2<br> 

files in eye_to_hand/src/

kinect2_color.py : get color image from Kinect2
kinect2_depth.py : get depth image from Kinect2
kinect2_points.py: get cloudPoints image from Kinect2

files in eye_to_hand/src/calibration/

camera_calibration.py : calibrate Kinect2 And get camera matrix(Internal and External)
get_depth_imgs.py : subscriber ROS node get depth image of Kinect2
get_imgs.py : take some photos by Kinect2
press Space to take one