Summary ======= A simple "framework" for ROS-based 2D and 3D object recognition software. Documentation ============= You find a description of the project in docs/project_description.pdf. docs/thesis.pdf contains a more detailed description but it's not up-to-date anymore. The following video provides an overview and demonstrations: Requirements ============ ROS OpenCV 3 (only for 2D object recognition) PCL 1.7 (only for 3D object recognition) Eigen 3 (only for 3D object recognition) Qt5 (not necessary if you do not compile the GUI-files) Compilation =========== 1. Follow ROS installation (Desktop Full Install): I needed to enable mysql (sudo systemctl enable mysql) for this to work. 2. Create catkin workspace: mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make 3. Clone project: cd ~ git clone 4. Copy/Move src folder into your workspace. cp -r ~/ros_object_recognition/src/* ~/catkin_ws/src/ 5. Compile: cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make License ======= MIT license