Depth Estimation sample Apps for iOS and macOS, using the FCRN-DepthPrediction models Apple provided on their model page.
Loads an image and crops it to the input size requested by the FCRN model
The same helper class ImagePlatform provides hardware accelerated processing tools for both iOS and macOS images and buffers
Supports both FCRN-16 and FCRN-32 models
You can post the predicted cropped portrait photo to Facebook as a 3D photo directly from your iPhone
You can also post the cropped predicted depthmap together with the cropped input image photo to Facebook as a 3D photo directly using a browser on your Mac or PC. See this guide for more information.
You can download FCRN-DepthPrediction CoreML models from
You can download just one of them, both work with this project. Choose which one to use by setting the relevant build target in Xcode
FCRN.mlmodel Storing model weights using full precision (32 bit) floating points numbers. 254.7MB
FCRNFP16.mlmodel Storing model weights using half-precision (16 bit) floating points numbers. 127.3MB