
Coding challenges on Codewars to improve my development skills.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Daily Codewars

This project is a collection of my daily coding challenge solutions from Codewars, where I tackle various programming problems to enhance my skills and problem-solving abilities.

Each day, I complete a Codewars kata and document my solution in this repository. This journey helps me grow as a developer and refine my coding techniques.

Link to project: https://www.codewars.com/users/Notare

How It's Made:

Tech used: JavaScript

Each day, I select a new kata from the Codewars platform. Before diving into the code, I take time to understand the problem statement and requirements thoroughly. I break down the problem into smaller subtasks and plan the algorithmic approach I'll take to solve it.

I use meaningful variable names, follow consistent indentation, and sometimes include comments to explain complex logic. This not only helps me understand my solutions later but also showcases my coding practices to others.


In some cases, I've revisited my initial implementations to identify areas for improvement and optimize the code by utilizing more efficient algorithms.

I strive to strike a balance between concise code and readability. I've taken the time to refactor longer code segments into more concise and elegant solutions, making it easier for others (and my future self) to understand the logic.

In some cases, I've replaced manual implementations with built-in language functions. This approach has not only streamlined the code but also improved its efficiency.

If I had more time to dedicate solely to refactoring, I would focus on keeping my solutions even more concise and cleaner, aiming for code that is both performant and easily understandable. The iterative process of optimizing my solutions has been a valuable learning experience, and I look forward to applying these skills to more complex challenges in the future.

Lessons Learned:

Completing a challenging kata or optimizing a solution has taught me the importance of celebrating even the smallest victories. These moments fuel my motivation and reinforce the idea that progress is a series of steps, no matter how small.

Breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks has become a cornerstone of my problem-solving approach. This strategy helps me tackle challenges more effectively and keeps me from feeling overwhelmed.

There have been times when I encountered seemingly very difficult obstacles. Pushing through these moments has taught me that persistence is key. Even when faced with a daunting task, taking it one step at a time can lead to eventual success.

Exploring community discussions and alternate solutions on Codewars has exposed me to different ways of thinking about problems. This has broadened my perspective and taught me that there are often multiple paths to a solution.

Reflecting on these lessons, I am reminded that the journey of a developer is filled with both successes and learning opportunities. These insights drive me to continually seek growth and embrace new challenges, both in my daily coding journey and beyond.

Other Projects:

Hades - Select Your Character: https://github.com/Notare/hades-select-your-character

Bia Cabeleireira (hair salon): https://github.com/Notare/bia-cabeleireira

Bar do Léo (bar and restaurant): https://github.com/Notare/bar-do-leo