
A list of software for pangenomics

MIT LicenseMIT


A list of software capable of analyzing eukaryotic genomes for pangenomics


  • vg Full featured construction, mapping and SNP calling toolkit based on multiple formats.
  • odgi Fast toolkit based on odgi format
  • gfatools Toolkit for GFA parsing and conversion
  • gfakluge Toolkit and c++ API for GFA manipulation
  • gaftools Toolkit for GAF (Graph Alignment Format) sorting and manipulation.

Pangenome construction

  • Minigraph Fast method originally intended for 50+ bp SVs by Heng Li, produces rGFA format (not GFA or odgi)
  • Cactus/minigraph Pangenome builder which aims to enable downstream compatibility. Produces GFA and odgi.
  • PGGB Pangenome Graph Builder, calculates SNPs as part of the pipeline. Produces GFA and odgi.
  • Pantools v3+ Fully featured construction of pangenome graphs
  • PHG Practical Haplotype Graph
  • PATO R package for pangenome construction
  • Chrom_mini_graph Generate and map reads onto a coloured minimizer pangenome graph

Short read alignment to a pangenome graph

  • vg map Original vg mapper (superseded by vg giraffe)
  • vg giraffe Faster and more modern alternative to vg map
  • Hisat2
  • Minigraph Construct graphs or align short or long reads to graphs
  • Chrom_mini_graph Generate and map reads onto a coloured minimizer pangenome graph

Long read alignment to a pangenome graph

SNP callers and genotypers

  • vg call SNP caller for pangenomes, with gam or GAF output
  • Paragraph
  • Pangenie
  • vg call surject to linear reference, then use linear SNP caller like Freebayes, Deepvariant etc

Structural Variation (SV) callers and genotypers

Pangenome viewers -interactive

  • Panagram
  • Bandage Visualize GFA files
  • SeqTubemap Elegant path visualization for smaller regions of a pangenome from the vg team
  • VAG Visualization of short sequence alignments in a pangenome
  • Panache View linearized pangenomes
  • Waragraph
  • PanGraphViewer
  • Wally View GFA (Work in progress 2023)
  • VRPG View rGFA or GFA, written in python and html
  • Pantograph is a commercial option
  • PGV A web based viewer similar to SeqTubeMap

Pangenome viewers -static

  • vg - generates static images
  • odgi - generates static images

Graph validation tools

File formats

Miscellaneous tools

  • gfainject Map short alignments in BAM format to a GFA (seems it is not a real aligner but a conversion tool). Output in GAF format.
  • GRAFIMO GRAph-based Finding of Individual Motif Occurrences using vg

kmer based approaches


Is something missing? Contributions are welcome, please make PRs to main or write an issue with a link.