
ROS package for the GPS module

Primary LanguageC++

ROS GPS Package

This code is a ROS package which periodically retrieves data from a Waveshare NEO-7M-C GPS module. The data is retrieved via UART, and is parsed through to obtain the latitude and longitude GPS coordinates.

The GPS module being used: www.robotshop.com/ca/en/uart-neo-7m-c-gps-module.html


Physical Connections:

The module should be connected to the Raspberry Pi as such:

GPS Module: Raspberry Pi:

  • Vcc --> 3.3V
  • GND --> Ground
  • TX --> UART0 RX
  • RX --> UART0 TX

For more information about pin assignments, see the package.xml


Topic: /gps/gps_data
Msg type: gps/Gps (custom)
Description: Provides latitude and longitude readings from the GPS module.