A 2D platform game made using the Unity engine. We play the role of the hooded avenger, planning to take revenge for the death of his loved ones. We play the role of a hooded avenger, planning to take revenge for the death of his loved ones.
Available soon...
- C#
- Unity - 2019.4.4
- Tilemap
- Cinemachine
- Piskel (pixel art)
- Creately
- More levels, enemies etc.
Project is: in progess
Exemplary Finite State Machine
- Incredible platform game development course in Unity showing how to perform state machines and character movement https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy78FINcVmjA0zDBhLuLNL1Jo6xNMMq-W
- Unity Documentation - https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/index.html
- Piskel - https://www.piskelapp.com/
- Creately - https://creately.com/