Heterogeneous Run Time version of MXNet. Added heterogeneous capabilities to the MXNet, uses heterogeneous computing infrastructure framework to speed up Deep Learning on Arm-based heterogeneous embedded platform. It also retains all the features of the original MXNet architecture which users deploy their applications seamlessly.
- austinggHanzhou, China
- chinakook
- chte777
- csgcmaiYY Live, Baidu Inc
- denjiKyiv, UA
- excllent123WuHan
- fly51flyPRIS
- GarrickLinHangZhou
- gusdoePerth Australia
- haimingZZ
- headupincloudsElucideye
- HounD
- intgogo
- jumppeng
- lianlengyunyu
- LinkHS
- linrio
- linVdcd
- liuqinglong110
- liuspencersjtuTikTok
- Moonteresa
- nevermoredanny
- nkyle04
- piiswrongUniversity of Washington
- qingswuCanada
- rayjs
- scott-hechina
- shuokayHorizon Robotics
- wdv4758hTaipei, Taiwan
- wl3b10s
- xhzcyc
- xshhhm
- ysh329freelancer
- Zehaos
- zmoon111horizon-robotics