- 3
- 6
- 1
ESlint new configuration file format.
#258 opened by PieterPaulussen - 1
Failed tests with Odoo and OCB on 17.0
#283 opened by manuel-florido - 2
Upgrade eslint in pre-commit config
#277 opened by sbidoul - 8
pre-commit/mirrors-prettier has been archived
#264 opened by sbidoul - 18
- 6
[RFC] Default odoo_test_flavor for recent version
#244 opened by legalsylvain - 0
review pylint-odoo and odoo-pre-commit-hooks configs
#270 opened by sbidoul - 0
Failed automatic README generation
#268 opened by SirAionTech - 8
- 1
- 2
Remove XML declaration from HTML files
#238 opened by AntoniRomera - 2
Grouping some repo actions
#260 opened by manuel-florido - 3
Improve xml prettyfier
#224 opened by sbidoul - 1
Pandoc as a new requirement
#213 opened by yajo - 29
Codecov blocking CI jobs
#250 opened by sbidoul - 1
- 3
- 0
Ruff B203 error
#241 opened by legalsylvain - 8
- 13
Commit message in OCA repositories
#172 opened by pedrobaeza - 1
[Question] hook for oca-gen-addon-readme is not generated in .pre-commit-config.yaml for odoo 13.0 and below
#237 opened by AungKoKoLin1997 - 5
pre-commit: some hooks not fails(pylint-odoo). ruff has something to do with it?
#230 opened by celm1990 - 4
Drop Python 2.7
#200 opened by SirTakobi - 13
README: Add PSC's in charge
#140 opened by rousseldenis - 3
`org_slug` is ignored
#209 opened by sergiocorato - 1
Error: No such option: --if-source-changed
#206 opened by zamberjo - 14
Enable new checks for pylint core
#164 opened by moylop260 - 4
Add hook to dry-run oca-gen-addon-readme
#169 opened by sbidoul - 4
UnicodeDecodeError with python 3.11
#192 opened by FrancescoBallerini - 4
Add GH actions broken
#150 opened by simahawk - 3
15.0 Pre-commit fails
#193 opened by bosd - 4
Error on updating 13.0 branches
#135 opened by etobella - 0
- 6
- 3
Build broken: test (16, 3.10, ubuntu-22.04) "AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'tell'"
#186 opened by simahawk - 2
- 2
Add copier question to set CI environment variables
#145 opened by sbidoul - 2
- 1
Question: CI for detect unreleased dependencies is not working for non oca repos?
#166 opened by AungKoKoLin1997 - 3
[RFC] spellchecker?
#165 opened by hbrunn - 3
prettier-xml==0.12.0 broken on Fedora 36
#155 opened by carmenbianca - 2
Add PSC Team on README
#147 opened by Shide - 4
Codecov not configured correctly
#142 opened by yajo - 2
- 5
- 2
- 12
- 2