Pinned issues
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[15.0] product_variant_configurator: Creating a variant without image deletes image from template
#345 opened by diggy128 - 3
Migration to version 17.0
#317 opened by OCA-git-bot - 3
Migration to version 15.0
#224 opened by OCA-git-bot - 3
[16.0] product_variant_configurator: method _compute_price_rule crashes if products is an empty recordset
#335 opened by espo-tony - 0
Module upgrade
#334 opened by Gravitai-JZhang - 5
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[16.0] product_variant_configurator: field 'product_id' in module 'product.configurator' breaks inventory valuation report
#330 opened by JordiBForgeFlow - 0
Error generating gift coupons
#320 opened by IDM28 - 1
- 1
Opening the Product Variant creation menu from the Product Variant view throws error
#315 opened by joelkm - 1
[15.0] Access product with many attribute lines
#284 opened by iTecan - 4
- 7
Migration to version 13.0
#155 opened by OCA-git-bot - 6
Migration to version 16.0
#272 opened by sbidoul - 3
Migration to version 14.0
#183 opened by OCA-git-bot - 1
[16] product_variant_configurator_manual_creation
#277 opened by esakarya - 1
- 1
[14] product_variant_default_code incompatibility with product_variant_sale_price
#254 opened by sergioeix - 1
[13.0][bug] product_variant_configurator fails tests during build and causes error when creating variant
#245 opened by matthew798 - 1
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Migration to version 12.0
#106 opened by OCA-git-bot - 1
[14.0][product_attribute_value_view.xml] not migrated
#202 opened by sitolux - 1
Product Variant Sale Price do not work with tier prices on product variant sales tab
#178 opened by maxgrassi - 1
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[11.0] product_variant_configurator: When activating sales message, the name in the sales order is False
#153 opened by deivislaya - 5
[11.0] sale_variant_configurator: pricelist error
#148 opened by cubells - 1
[BUG][13.0] product_variant_configurator makes it possible to create product.[product|template] without name
#239 opened by Rad0van - 5
product_variant_default_code: issue
#140 opened by omalbastin - 2
[SUGGESTION]product_variant_default_code: why cant we use a ir.config_parameter instead of security group
#139 opened by omalbastin - 2
[11.0][product_variant_default_code] No default code for previously set attribute values
#121 opened by SalahAdDin - 12
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[13.0] product_variant_configurator issue with website_sale when computing url
#192 opened by sergioeix - 2
[13.0} product_variant_configurator error when select product template in add product Variant
#194 opened by anxoa77 - 2
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[10.0] sale_variant_configurator: does not take into account the extra price of the attributes
#99 opened by apesquero - 6
[11.0][sale_variant_configurator] Configurator does not save attribute values for product
#119 opened by SalahAdDin - 3
- 2
[11.0] Some inconsistencies in the views.
#124 opened by SalahAdDin - 10
[11.0][sale_variant_configurator] Product configured values dissapear after saving SO
#118 opened by SalahAdDin - 4
[11.0][sale_variant_configurator] Key error when trying to choose a product template
#117 opened by SalahAdDin - 3
Product Variant Configurator with restrictions.
#104 opened by angelmoya - 4
[10.0] Discusse on improving the user experience of product_variant_default_code
#96 opened by sebastienbeau - 19
[10.0] Product Variant Configurator error unlink
#97 opened by apesquero