
Released version currently failing R check

schuemie opened this issue · 2 comments

I see:

Migrating data set
  Error in loadNamespace(x) : 
    there is no package called 'ResultModelManager'

This is probably because some call to PatientLevelPrediction that requires ResultModelManager, but ResultModelManager isn't in the list of PLP Imports: https://github.com/OHDSI/PatientLevelPrediction/blob/main/DESCRIPTION

Possible solutions:

  1. Move ResultModelManager to Imports of PLP
  2. Add code to PLP so it will install ResultModelManager if needed
  3. Add ResultModelManager to Suggests of EnsemblePatientLevelPrediction
jreps commented

I updated PLP so this should be fixed (picked option 2)

I think this check for whether the session is interactive is preventing the package from being installed while running R Check.

So although I think it is a good thing you added it in PLP, maybe just to pass R Check you can also do option 3: add ResultsModelManager to Suggests of EnsemblePatientLevelPrediction?